Company News
Scroll back through time to read about Chief Products major company milestones, from inception to today.

In our search for a new frontier, Chief Products has landed in North America. And like the explorers & adventurers that landed before us, we’ve come to trade with the natives and hopefully expand our tribe to include those who share our fire.
Today we announce the launch of our USA Web Shop and North American Warehouse.
Setting up operations in North America came with a lot of challenges, but the Chief Products team was dedicated to providing our new American mates with the same ease-of-use and great customer service we’re known for in Australia.

Since Chief Products rolled open the doors (almost 1 year ago), we've received 35 customer product reviews on our website. 34 of those 35 reviews have been 5 stars out of 5, with amazingly positive comments like:
"Highly Recommended"
"Expectations Exceeded"
"Simply Magnificent"
"Great Product!"
"A Beautifully Made Item"
"Excellent Product"
"Fantastic Product"
"Excellent Product and Service"
The 1 review we received that wasn't 5 stars out of 5...
"Thanks Chief! Awesome product, awesome service. Ordered on a Wednesday night, delivered 7am Friday, fitted in less than 30 min (most of this time was taken removing the air dam), no hassles, perfect fit!!!” - Justin
Having this 4 Star Review as our worst-to-date, is probably one of the proudest accomplishments for Chief Products.

With each new adventure there is a singular moment when you’re standing at the edge, about to take the first step. You’re not sure what lays ahead, but you’re filled with an overwhelming excitement for what's possible. For the explorers of the world, these are the moments when they feel most alive. The team at Chief Products finds ourselves at that moment, and just like the first time we bounced and clawed up a rocky rutted hill in our four wheel drive, or set off to camp in some far off majestic area, we’re filled with excitement.