Off-roaders, campers, fishermen, outdoorsmen, photographers, surfers and musicians: they create things, they explore, they embark on adventures and then gather around the campfire to share those experiences with their friends. This blog is our attempt to capture the warmth and glow of the campfire and share those conversations and laughter with the world.

About 18 months ago, we realised we were growing faster than we could keep up with. For most businesses, this is good problem to have, but for us it was creating a lot of problems, (upset customers). We put together a plan. It involved securing investment so we could make some big changes.
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The great gathering of the dusted returned to Nana Glen for the 15th Annual Camp Coffs. Jeepers from all over Australia descended on the wilderness around Coffs Harbour for a long weekend of trail triumphs and campfire shenanigans.
Hosted by Jeep Action Magazine, Camp Coffs is an event we always look forward to. This year we were one of the major sponsors… and we decided to make the most of it.
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Sometimes there’s nothing better than packing the 4WD with gear/family/friends and spending 5 days out on the trails and camped under the stars. This Easter we skipped the bunny festivities and returned to the crooked trails surrounding Coffs Harbour for the 14th Annual Camp Coffs.
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A little over three years ago (March 1, 2014) the small but passionate team of adventurers at Chief Products toasted our first sale. On that day, beer in hand, we set-out to introduce our culture of enthusiasm and rumbling appetite for adventure to an ever-wider audience by building products that enable adventurous spirits to venture out and experience the majesty and freedom of nature.
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It may seem like we’ve been quiet lately, but behind the scenes it’s been foot-to-the-floor, full-speed-ahead. A little over 8 months ago, we realised that growth of 300% per year (for the last 3 years in a row) meant we needed to make some changes. We needed more staff, a larger warehouse, a modernised inventory tracking system, but most importantly we needed a new factory. I’m proud to announce those changes will be 100% complete this December. We’re still not one of the big guys, but we’ve definitely taken the next step.
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In a secret hangar in the middle of the desert, Todd Holzwarth is planning his attack. His secret weapon, a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee Altitude 4x4 with custom 4” lift, massive rubber, supercharged engine and more off-road gear than Arnold Schwarzenegger’s military Hummer.
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In our search for a new frontier, Chief Products has landed in North America. And like the explorers & adventurers that landed before us, we’ve come to trade with the natives and hopefully expand our tribe to include those who share our fire.
Since opening our doors a little over 3 years ago, our team has endeavoured to introduce Chief Products culture of creativity, authenticity, openness and rumbling appetite for adventure to an ever growing international audience, by building products that enable and inspire adventurous souls to venture out and experience the beauty and freedom of nature.
From day one our goal has been to create epic products, have an insane amount of fun, and bring everyone along for the ride. Today we put a call out to the willing… join us.

Five days playing in the dirt with 100s of other Jeep owners from all around Australia sounded like an epic idea. So we packed the WK2 and drove 1000km south to the 2015 Jeep Jamboree.
On The Road To Jambo
We packed the essentials and made a hasty retreat away from the city sprawl in the wee hours of the morning. We were several hours down the road when the sun began to light the sky with a warm orange glow. We stopped for a quick road trip breakfast, took a few photos and then pointed the WK2 south again towards Jambo. Long stretches of flat road, small towns, wheat fields, tunnelled trees and even a few cows greeted us along the way to the gathering in Rydal, NSW.

We’re currently working on a North American warehouse for our products to help reduce shipping costs for our North American customers. To make it all work the way we want, (integrated shipping with exact shipping rates at checkout - like our current store) it will require setting up a North American version of our web store. We’ve started work on the North American web store but it will take us a bit of time to get it up-n-running. I’m hoping to have everything in place by Q1 of 2016.
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In all of my trips around the sun, 2014 has been the most amazing. On March 20th, I witnessed the birth of my daughter. It's cliché to say, but she truly is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Teaching her to walk, reading her a book each night before bed, seeing her smile when I walk into the room... they're always the highlights of my day. Almost equally exciting has been the launch of Chief Products. A company built for those that share an appetite for adventure, a love for nature and an enthusiasm for life. The growth and positive response to my passionate endeavour has been wonderfully satisfying.
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